Saturday, 24 September 2016

Attention Parents!!!

Hello to all of the parents of the awesome students in my class this year.  I was hoping to get some help from all of you. I was wondering what sort of things you would like to see on my blog?  I know what sort of things I would like to include and I would love your thoughts too.


  1. I'd love to hear about some of your very interesting lessons! We heard, in detail, about your lesson on positive and negative words in the first week of school. We thought it was awesome!!!

  2. Definitely math help tips and tutorial videos.

  3. I love art and I would like to learn lots of art this year

  4. I love art and I would like to learn lots of art this year

  5. I love art and I would like to learn lots of art this year

  6. Educational links that you feel are age appropriate for grade 6's would be great! As well as tutorials for the kids to view that help them understand step by step what it is that is requested of them in regards to computers and blogging. This is our son's first year hoping on the 'world wide web' outside of youtube and microsoft office ;)
