Monday, 25 January 2016

When we WONDER, we learn...

To get the most out of your learning, you need to take a risk. When we take risks with our learning and think about big ideas, we tend to get more out it. When we take a risk, we get the reward of learning.

We have been looking at Wonderopolis. We have been able to look at some great examples of the Wonders of the day.  These questions are great examples of the things that people wonder about.

Now it is your turn to write a blog post that includes all of the ideas below.

What do you wonder about?
1. Make a list of 3 topics that you wonder about?
2. Write a question about your favourite topic from the above brainstorm.
3. If you were to research this topic, what search words/ phrases would you use the get your research started. (You need to list at least 3 search words or phrases).
4. When you are ready to post, please ask your readers to suggest different search words and phrases that will help you to find out the answer to you Wonder Question.

Remember the Success Criteria for Blogging.

Let's get our ideas and thinking out 
for the world to read. 

We need to remember to capture and keep our audience’s attention.

Success Criteria:
1.  Create an engaging introduction to hook the reader.
2.  Organize your ideas and make them flow using varying sentence lengths and paragraphs.
(Paragraphs are a minimum of 3 sentences and our blogs will have 3 paragraphs minimum)
3.  I can support my ideas with details, examples, thoughts and feelings.
4.  Use effective word choice for my audience:
  • start with a strong introduction
  • ask a question
  • use strong descriptive words
  • write a quotation 
  • use strong verbs  e.g. said==> mumbled  or  went==> travelled
  • use adjectives   eg. the gooey, delicious brownies
  • use figurative language (or elements of style)  eg.  metaphor, simile, alliteration
5.  I can make my writing readable by checking reader fluency by reading my blog out loud before posting it.
6. Check for proper spelling and grammar and punctuation.
7.  Including a picture, quote, etc. to make it more visually interesting.